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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

Miss Milligan Targeted Support

Welcome back!


This year I will be teaching several pupils from P4, P5 and P6 for Numeracy small group withdrawal. You will find an overview of everything that you need to bring to class on the main year group class page, so please do read this carefully.

Within this small group withdrawal, your child will benefit from support to help them with their specific needs within Numeracy. Numeracy homework will be set each week, this will recap what your child has been doing in class. Therefore, I do encourage you to ensure that all homework is completed at home with lots of encouragement and support given to help your child progress within their learning. Please sign your child’s written homework.

Detailed below is a list of areas that will be covered in September and October.




  • Understand mathematical language and be able to use it to talk about their work.
  • Represent work in a clear and organised way, using symbols where appropriate.
  • Recognise simple patterns and relationships and make predictions.
  • Begin to organise their work and work systematically.
  • Know ways to check their work.



  • Read, write and order whole numbers up to at least 100.
  • Understand that the place of the digit indicates its value.
  • Use quick recall of number facts up to 10.
  • Use addition and subtraction patterns within 10 to explore the relationship between addition and subtraction.
  • Add and subtract within 100.



  • Name and order days of the week, months of the year and seasons.


Shape and Space

  • Recognise and name common 2-D and 3-D shapes.
  • Sort 2-D shapes, giving reasons for sorting.


Handling Data

  • Sort and classify objects for one or two criteria and represent results using Venn, Carroll and Tree diagrams.
  • Discuss and interpret information.




  • The greatest area of focus throughout P5 is in confirming and developing knowledge and speed of recall of number bonds and times tables. These are vital to the children's progression in numeracy as these skills are needed so regularly, in a variety of topics.
  • It is important that the children not only complete their mental activities every night but also revise tables on a regular basis, even when not set for home work.
  • With the progress in tables and the use of multiplication the children will be able to explore how to solve problems for all four functions, with the emphasis being on recognising key vocabulary in questions and subsequently being able to carry out the correct calculations.






  • Use a range of mental calculation strategies.
  • Read write and order whole numbers up to at least 10000.
  • Understand, use, add and subtract whole numbers up to at least 10000.
  • Understand and use the concept of place value in whole numbers.
  • Approximate within 10000 to the nearest 10, 100 or1000.
  • Add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers using a range of mental, written and calculator methods.
  • Use the relationship between addition and subtraction to check calculations.
  • Know multiplication facts up to10 x 10 and derive associated division facts.
  • Estimate answers to calculations and approximate by rounding.
  • Use fractions to describe quantities.
  • Understand equivalence of fractions.


Shape and Space

  • Explore the properties of common 2-D and 3-D shapes.
  • Explore the relationships between common 2-D and 3-D shapes.
  • Recognise and draw lines of symmetry in a variety of 2D shapes.
  • Reflect 2D shapes in a line.


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Milligan.

