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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

Nurture Unit


Nurture Room 

First Term 2024 

This half term our topic will be ‘If You Go Down to the Woods’.  Within this topic the children in our group will be learning about how to care for their environment, the signs of Autumn, how to engage their senses and regulate their emotions.  Many enriching learning experiences will be provided within the setting.  A small selection of which are as follows;

  • Nature walks
  • Painting leaves and other natural materials using Autumnal, scented paints
  • Baking and tasting a selection of treats, including apple crumble using apples from our own school grounds
  • Playing with woodland puppets during drama activities
  • Sharing stories, poems and rhymes
  • Creating a ‘Kindness Tree’ 
  • Planting and nurturing plants

By participating in the above activities, pupils will be developing a variety of fundamental life skills, for example problem solving, working as a team, sharing, waiting and taking turns.  They will also be praised, encouraged and supported along the way to build their confidence and self-esteem.

Alongside this, they will be continuing to learn and develop their skills in other areas of the curriculum.  For further information on what is being taught within numeracy and literacy, please refer to the class page. 

We are really looking forward to welcoming your child to our group and are excited to share all these learning opportunities with them.



We hope to take many of our activities into the outdoors so please ensure that your child brings a warm coat to school each day.

Thank you for your continued support. 

Miss Hill and Mrs Nevin


