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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

Year 5

Welcome to the Primary 5 News Page

The teachers this year are Mrs. Allen, Mrs. McKelvey and Miss Murray. Each class has 2 classroom assistants: Mrs. Calderwood and Miss Oliver in P5MA and Mrs. McKay and Miss McMullan in P5RM.

August - October 2024


In the first term of P5 we will focus on various aspects of grammar, including alphabetical order, nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.  We will also be using our knowledge on tenses, punctuation marks and grammar to be able to spot mistakes and fix them correctly through ‘Improving Together’ and editing passages. It is important that the children can recognise where types of punctuation are needed and are able to insert them into sentences or a passage.

Spelling will continue to be taught using our new spelling scheme. Please reinforce the Look/Say/Cover/Write/Check method when helping your child learn his or her spellings.

The children will continue to learn joined handwriting this year, focusing on lower case letters first.

Comprehension will continue to be a focus this year and the accelerated reader programme, added to the traditional forms, will help the children to understand what they are reading, and develop skills of inference. It is important that the children keep reading and, when possible, are questioned at home on what they have read to confirm understanding.

Creative Writing: The children will build upon their skills of adding detail, writing in full sentences and using the correct punctuation and grammar. The children will use the skills they have gained through grammar and reading to write a variety of compositions. These will include recounts, reports, imaginative writing and poems.


The greatest area of focus throughout P5 is in confirming and developing knowledge and speed of recall of number bonds and times tables. These are vital to the children's progression in numeracy as these skills are needed so regularly, in a variety of topics. It is important that the children not only complete their mental activities every night but also revise tables on a regular basis, even when not set for home work.

With the progress in tables and the use of multiplication the children will be able to explore how to solve problems for all four functions, with the emphasis being on recognising key vocabulary in questions and subsequently being able to carry out the correct calculations.

World Around Us:

Our World Around Us theme for this term is ‘Prove It.' In this theme, we will explore the meaning of evidence and how it is used to prove something. We will complete many exciting activities, looking at different pieces of evidence and what the proof is. The use of evidence will be linked to Mesolithic times and how evidence has been used to show how they lived. We will explore the Mesolithic way of life, looking at what they ate, where they lived and other aspects of their life. We will study caves and the designs in these and then the children will complete their very own cave man paintings.

What should your child bring with them each day to school?

  • Pencils
  • Rubber
  • Sharpener
  • 30cm ruler
  • Pritt stick
  • Biro pens for marking (blue, black, red or green) no gel pens please.
  • Colouring pencils
  • All homework (completed, checked and signed)
  • Healthy break and a bottle of water if they want
  • P.E - A pair of dark jogging bottoms and trainers/gutties (this is kept in school and taken home every half term to be washed)


Homework is very important to your child as it helps to reinforce their learning. The homework given will cover what was done in class or what was covered earlier on in the week. Each night, your child will have reading, spellings, mental maths and then one written homework on Monday and Wednesday. Children will be required to revise spellings and tables for the Friday test.

Help with homework

Here are a number of ways in which you can help your child with their homework:

  • Listen to them read / ask them some questions about their reading book
  • Ask them their spellings
  • Go through their maths facts
  • Ask them some questions about what they learned today
  • Check that their homework is completed and signed.

Please sign your child's written homework.


Class Photographs



1st Oct 2024
Today a new hedgehog box and a wildlife camera were installed in our school grounds....
26th Sep 2024
Ballykeel PS and Radius Housing have agreed to take part in an exciting new project...