Miss Millen
Hello everyone, and welcome to Ballykeel Nursery! The adults in our class this year are Miss Millen (Teacher), Mrs Richmond (Classroom Assistant) and Mrs McNeilly (SEN Assistant)
January- February
We hope that you all had a lovely Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year!
Please remember that Nursery hours are 9.00-9.15am to 1.30pm. Doors will open at 9.00am and 1.15pm to facilitate drop offs/collections. We would ask that all children are collected by 1.30pm sharp as teachers have afternoon classes in the Primary School.
Breakfast Club is still available for Nursery children - this costs 70p per day and is open from 8am. Please ask your class teacher for more information if required.
During the month of January our focus of interest is ‘Winter’ & ‘Cold Lands’, and in February we will learn about the ‘People Who Help Us’ in our community. We will also talk about Chinese New Year and Valentines Day. We will discuss how to keep safe and warm in winter, cold land animals, feeding the birds, people in the community who help us and cultural differences around the world.
Numeracy & Literacy
This half term, we will continue to support the children’s recognition of primary colours, patterns and 2D shapes. Please work with us in supporting your child’s learning by encouraging them to match colours, identify shapes in their environment and count everyday objects, e.g. their birthday candles, their toes, etc.
A Few other reminders ....
Name It –During the Winter months your child will be bringing more items of clothing, can you please ensure all items (uniform, coat, hat, gloves etc) have your child's name on them. It's a good idea to check these regularly as sometimes they can fade or come off in the wash.
Applications for P1 - all parents need to apply for a P1 place for their child, and these applications will be online. The EA Connect Portal opens for online applications to P1 on Friday 10th January at 12:00 noon. The Portal closes for applications on Friday 24th January at 12:00 noon.
Nursery Newsletter - our newsletter will be posted on the school website, sent on Seesaw and you will also be provided with a paper copy. Please read the information contained in this carefully, and try to encourage your child by talking about the topics we are covering and perhaps even trying the songs and rhymes they will be using in Nursery.
Thank you,
Miss Millen & Mrs Richmond
Latest Photographs
Class Photograph

Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit, 22 Crebilly Road Ballymena BT42 4DN 028 2565 3902