Year 3
Welcome to Primary 3
We hope you had a lovely summer! We know that the children will be looking forward to seeing their friends again. We will be doing lots of activities which will help your child settle back into routine again. We will regularly publish information and pictures via Seesaw, so remember to keep looking out for these updates. It’s a good way of keeping in touch with your child’s learning and progress.
We also welcome our new team members Miss McPeake (P3CM), Mrs Blaney and Miss Campbell (P3CMC).
Please ensure that your child has everything they need for their school day.
- Healthy break in a disposable bag (name on the bag)
- 2 sharpened HB pencils
- 1 Pritt stick (white)
- 1 rubber
- 1 sharpener
- Pencil case
- A 12 pack of colouring pencils
- Box of tissues
On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights the children will have:
- Reading
- Spellings
- Tables
Written Homeworks:
Monday: Literacy homework (game or written activity)
Wednesday: Numeracy homework (game or written activity)
Thursday: Make a special effort to revise tables and spellings for the Friday Test the next day.
We thought you might appreciate these Homework Hints.
Your child will need:
- A quiet place
- A flat surface
- A sharp pencil, a rubber
- Time-don’t leave homework until it’s late
Once your child has completed his/her homework, please make sure you sign it.
Tips for learning spellings
- Look at the words
- Say them
- Cover them
- Write them
- Check them
Have your child spend some time learning spellings for him/herself. Teach them to use these steps.
Ask your child to write down the words as you call them out.
Make sure they have completed the spellings section in their Spelling Booklets.
Learning Tables
- Have your child say or write tables at least 3 times
- Jumble up the order of the tables
- Ask some ‘quick fire’ questions to develop good mental maths skills
It is important to practise reading aloud. Choose a few pages to read aloud, focusing on fluency and expression.
Discuss what your child has read and sign the reading log book.
World Around Us Theme 1: HOME SWEET HOME
During the first term we study the theme ‘Home Sweet Home’. We learn about how houses are built, what materials are used. We discuss together what makes a house a home and this leads us nicely in to talking as a group about our families, our special memories, our family celebrations in our homes. Having thought about how much we all have, we then focus on those who do not have the same as us-homelessness, homes around the world, and these help us empathise with others. Our creative ‘juices’ start flowing when we dream up our little magical, mythical homes and recreate these in clay.
These are the areas that we will be covering up to Christmas:
Number –
- Add numbers mentally and in written form up to 20.
- Make and learn number bonds to 20.
- Recognise coins up to 20p.
Measures –
- Be able to use language to describe, compare and order length of various objects.
- Know the days of the week and their sequence.
Shape –
- Recognise and name common 2-D shapes
- Be able to describe 2-D shapes according to their properties e.g. 4 corners, straight sides and number of sides.
Data Handling –
- We will be recording results using a Venn diagrams and Pictograms.
Reading –
- Use visual clues to find information.
- Be able to recognise words and use Jolly Phonics for unfamiliar words.
- Talk about what they have read and answer questions.
Writing –
- Talk about what they are going to write.
- Write words using Jolly Phonics.
- Encourage good punctuation when writing sentences and stories i.e. capital letters and full stops.
- Ensure handwriting is neat and tidy.
Thank-you for your support and co-operation this year!
Mrs Montgomery and Miss McConnell
Class Photographs
Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit, 22 Crebilly Road Ballymena BT42 4DN 028 2565 3902