Year 2
Welcome to P2!
Hello and welcome to P2! Our teachers are Mrs Thompson and Mrs McWhirter. Our classroom assistants are Mrs Halliday and Miss Anderson.
Have a look at our latest P2 Newsletter - P2 Newsletter Jan/Feb 25
Monday to Thursday nights the children will have reading. It is important to hear this reading every night. This term the children will start spellings. They will get 6 words every night/week from Monday to Wednesday and then have Thursday night to revise for a test on Friday. Spellings should be written out neatly every night and signed by an adult please.
Some more practical maths homeworks will be given out this half term. Small practical equipment e.g. dice will be sent home, please look after it and return it the next day.
Theme – Long, long ago ……. Dinosaurs!
This term our new topic is “Dinosaurs”. We will be learning all the dinosaurs names, what they look like, what they like to eat and all sorts of other interesting facts.
We are looking forward to being real-life archaeologists during Play Based Learning! We have a Dino Dig set up in our classrooms for us to dig for fossils and dino bones! We are also making junk model dinosaurs and dinosaur skeletons.
Watch this space for photos of dinosaur activities!
In number work we will be learning how to take away. We have been practising how to count backwards to prepare for this. We will also be learning more about money – how to count out the correct amount of coins at the shop. Why not help out at home by playing shop with some real money and items to ‘buy’? We will also be telling the time – revising o’clock and starting to learn about half past.
Keep up the good work with the reading books and spellings – it all makes a difference. The children all love to hear a story – please encourage this at home as well as want them all to have a real love for books.
We are really trying to reinforce good handwriting and correct letter formation - help your child practise their letters as much as possible, especially if they reverse any letters. We will also be looking at capital letters and practising them in our handwriting books.
Keep trying to encourage the children to write simple sentences themselves, using as many little 'common' words as possible. Help them to write out any words they know or can sound out e.g. the, up, see, good, look, on, off etc.
Mrs Thompson and Mrs McWhirter
Class Photographs

Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit, 22 Crebilly Road Ballymena BT42 4DN 028 2565 3902