Access Keys:

Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

Year 1

Welcome to P1!

Our teachers are Mrs Logan, Mrs Henry and Mrs Elliott.

Our classroom assistants are Mrs Millar, Mrs McIlroy, Mrs McQuillan and Miss Todd. 


Sept – Oct

Ready for school!

Please ensure your child has the following items in school every day:

  • Coat
  • Lunch box with healthy morning snack, drink and packed lunch (if taking packed lunch in school)
  • Homework folder (when homeworks commence). These are purchased directly via the school.

Is my name written clearly on all of my clothing?


Remember to check Seesaw regularly for updates!


We would appreciate it if you could send in the following items as soon as possible:

 - one large box of tissues

- one large glue stick

- one large bottle of handwashing soap with a pump top


Our Theme

Our theme this half-term is A Time to Rhyme. The children will be learning lots of familiar nursery rhymes and many lessons will be based on these.

You can help at home by sending in any nursery rhyme books, DVDs, costumes, puppets or any items mentioned in the nursery rhymes.

The nursery rhymes we will be learning are as follows:

- Baa Baa Black Sheep                                   - Wee Willie Winkie

- Humpty Dumpty                                         - Twinkle Twinkle 

- Hickory Dickory                                          - Hey Diddle Diddle

- Incy Wincy Spider

They will also discuss and become more familiar with their own daily routines, both in school and at home, for example, time to get up, time to go to school, time to play, time for bed etc. Why not help your child by identifying and emphasising these significant times in their day?


We love Literacy

Your child will be learning how to write their name. Practise this at home. Please refer to your handwriting sheet (given out in June) for further guidance. Remember – no capital letters except for the first letter!!

We will be teaching the children to hold their pencil correctly – using “froggy legs”. Ask your teacher if you’re unsure what this means!

Every day in P1 we have a story time. Why not continue this routine at bed time… time for a story! This will help your child improve their concentration and prepare for learning to read.


Mad about Maths

From now until Halloween, maths activities will include sorting, sequencing, counting 1-5, recognising the numbers 1-5, writing the numbers 1-5 and making sets of 1-5 items. These will be taught through practical, fun activities.

Encourage your child to count in practical, everyday situations, for example, setting the table – how many forks do we need? At the supermarket you could ask your child to get you ___ apples etc. How about sorting the laundry? Shirts in one pile, socks in another pile etc.


Dates for the Diary

27th August  -  School commences. Please refer to the dates and starting times for your own child, which were given out in June.

25th September- Book fair arrives

26th September- European Day of Languages

7th-9th October- School Photographer

21st October- Whole School Flu Vaccine

25th October- Breakfast Club Open Morning

28th October-1st November- Half term break



Class Photographs

