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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit



The Department of Education has launched a new campaign to highlight the benefits of good school attendance. Each year 40,000 children in NI have an attendance level of 90% or lower. There is a misunderstanding amongst parents that this is a good result. On the contrary, this equates to 19 days absence - one month out of school, with children missing out on a range of other positive life experiences.

Attendance during one school year Equals days absence in year Which is approximately weeks absence Persistent absence over 5 years
95% 9.25 days 2 weeks 1/4 year
90% 19 days 4 weeks 1/2 year
80% 37 days 8 weeks 1 year
70% 56 days 11 weeks 1 1/2 year
60% 74 days 15 weeks 2 years
50% 92.5 days 18.5 weeks 2 1/2 years

We monitor attendance closely and expect pupils to aim for an attendance of 100%. Further information on the campaign can be found at

Please ensure your child attends school unless ill or in exceptional circumstances. We have to record attendance in the morning and afternoon as separate sessions and where possible doctor and dentist appointments should not be made during school hours.  If your child is absent from school a text will be sent in the  morning. Please respond to this as soon as possible. 

Regular attendance at school is vital to ensure children continue to make good progress. At Ballykeel we encourage attendance by the use of a ‘Class Of The Month’ scheme. The class with the best attendance for the month receive a ‘Chill-Out Day’ where they enjoy games, DVDs, art and so on as a reward for the efforts. This is keenly contested each month!!

Class of the Month Winners 2024/25:

September - P1DL

October - 

November - 

December - 

January - 

February - 

March - 

April - 

May - 

June -