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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 1

2020/2021 School Year

14th Jun 2021
We had a brilliant day today at our first fun in the sun day. We went to courtyard...
14th Jun 2021
We had a brilliant time at the daily mile day. Here is a video of some of our day...
11th Jun 2021
Harper is our Role Model of the Week.   Harper is such a friendly girl...
11th Jun 2021
Alice is our Role Model of the Week for her good attitude towards her work and for...
11th Jun 2021
We had a brilliant day at our Sports Day. We ran different races and then had lots...
11th Jun 2021
With the weather being good on Wednesday we went outside to do our class sports...
7th Jun 2021
The boys and girls in P1 have been learning about Hansel and Gretel. We used pebbles...
28th May 2021
Alexa is our Role Model of the Week because she is always kind and caring towards...
28th May 2021
Brodie is our Pupil of the Month in May because he has settled so well into Ballykeel....
28th May 2021
Lexi is our Role Model of the Week.   Lexi has produced some lovely pieces...