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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 4

2023/2024 School Year

2022/2023 School Year

2021/2022 School Year

28th Jun 2022
Troy is my pupil of the month for his wonderful improvement in reading this year...
24th Jun 2022
Our role model this week is Summer! Summer has worked so hard all year, she is lovely...
10th Jun 2022
Our role model of the week is Jacob! Jacob has worked so hard in class and is super...
10th Jun 2022
Charlie is my role model of the week for excellent behaviour and for his super progress...
26th May 2022
Leo is my Pupil of the Month for demonstrating a super improvement in behaviour...
13th May 2022
Our role model this week is Riley J! Riley’s work is always a beautiful presentation...
13th May 2022
Jaxson is our role model of the week for showing a great improvement in his spellings....
6th May 2022
Carter is role model of the week for his excellent work in class. Carter puts 100%...